Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Put a Sock in that Crucifix or If I See You Bend that Knee Again, I'll Break It

"If Jesus came back today, and saw what was going on in his name, he'd never stop throwing up." (Max Von Sydow Hannah and Her Sisters)

 I have to admit because my Bears are doing a death spiral I am not paying so much attention to football but Tebow irritates the shit out of me. I don't get the sense that Jesus had a hype man at the Sermon on the Mount (though there may have been a few grousers) nor that he would enjoy outre displays of belief in his word. Tebow may be a nice guy, a good sport, a fantastic conversationalist with always the perfect mot juste but something of the very public display of your fealty to whatever deity you worship, smacks of a smug, "well look whose NOT going to hell" condescension to all forced to endure it. It particularly grates in a society where over 83% of its population define themselves as Christians. Being publicly worshipful is not a profile in courage in 21st Century America. If this were 100AD Rome well I may give you some props. These types of displays necessarily are arrogant self serving and pompous. The outright narcissism of it, as if the highest consciousness in reality should give a fuck that you beat the Vegas spread. My god, I wish Randy Newman's God from "God's Song" would speak.

How fucking spiritually childish can a species be?

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